Harry Kay Alumni Network

Over the past 30 years, over 350 people have participated in HKLI. In the past, after the program was complete, the alumni would do what was intended from the program—they would take on leadership roles in the community. We have realized, however, that our job was far from finished. We believe that a strong Jewish community relies on collaboration, and that maintaining leaders’ relationships with each other is integral.  

We created the Harry Kay Alumni Network as an opportunity for alumni to reengage with each other during leadership summits, salons, reunions, and other programs. 

Click here for a complete Harry Kay Leadership Institute alumni list from 1990-2023.

Harry Kay Alumni Network

We created the Harry Kay Alumni Network as an opportunity for alumni to re-engage with each other during leadership summits, salons, reunions, and other programs.

Harry Kay Leadership Institute

What will the Jewish community look like in 2030? 2045? If the Harry Kay Leadership Institute alumni have anything to say about it, we should all feel pretty optimistic. Learn more.

The Summit

The Harry Kay Alumni Network seeks to bring in speakers to share new ideas and expertise in the areas of leadership and innovation that are relevant to or rooted in the opportunities and challenges facing Jewish communities today. 

Click here to learn more about this year’s presentation featuring DUGRI, an Israeli-Palestinian duo that uses honest and straightforward thought leadership as a tool to reconcile with the past.

Who is Harry Kay?

Great question.

The short answer: a man who cared deeply about the Jewish community. The long answer: click here.